Konrad Becker, Felix StalderWorld-Information Institute

Google Before Google, or, On the History of Search
Chad WellmonAssistant Professor of German at the University of Virginia

Critique of search and the problem of knowledge
Yuk HuiPhD researcher of the Metadata Project in the Centre of Cultural Studies and Department of Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London.

From Sociometry to Social Networks. Networking as Technique of the Social
Sebastian Giessmannresearch fellow at the Excellence Cluster TOPOI in the cross- sectional group "Cultural Theory and its Genealogies", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Chad Wellmon, Yuk Hui, Sebastian Giessmann, Moderation: Konrad Becker
Economic Bias in Search Results
Elizabeth von Couveringrecent PhD graduate, London School of Economics

Surplus and the immaterial: political notes on the "industrial revolution of data"
Matteo Pasquinelliis a writer, curator and researcher working at the intersection of French philosophy, media culture and Italian post-operaismo at Queen Mary University of London

Beyond Keyword Search
dr mc schraefelreader in the Intelligence Agents Multimedia (IAM) Group, University of Southampton, UK

From a Tiny Island of Survey Data to the Ocean of Transactional Data
Karl H. MüllerDirector of the Wiener Institute for Social Science Documentation and Methodology (WISDOM)