Democratizing Search

Bernhard Rieder

In the shift from a situation of information scarcity to one of sometimes overpowering abundance, the Internet clearly is the emblematic technology. As we move existing practices online and invent new forms of creation and interaction, data piles up at an always quicker pace. Most of the information we produce is messy and unorganized and the Internet itself does not provide any comprehensive features for cataloging and ordered storage. By analyzing data and its context, search technologies provide a structured view on the burgeoning chaos online and companies like Google have turned the task of filtering, evaluating and ranking information into a profitable business. Using popularity as the core measure for importance, commercial services have the tendency to direct attention to the dominant voices on the Internet, relegating alternative perspectives to the shadow zone reserved for the vast majority of sites, which rarely appear at a relevant place on a search result list. This has rightfully lead to strong criticism and the growing concern that the open spaces of the online world could be rendered invisible by corporate oligopoly. In this presentation we will therefore examine some of the strategies that have been proposed over the last years, which aim at (re)introducing a measure of plurality and inclusiveness into the search market. We will argue that such attempts can only succeed if political support, technological feasibility and economic viability can be combined in a satisfactory fashion.

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RSS 2025 | World-Information Institute und World-Information.Org
sind Projekte des Instituts für Neue Kulturtechnologien/t0, Wien

Mit Unterstützung von:

In Zusammenarbeit mit dem LBI Medien.Kunst.Forschung

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"Nach dem Ende der Politik" (Buchpräsentation)
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Kritische Strategien in Kunst und Medien 2010 (Diskussion und Buchpräsentation)
Conference Deep Search II (Konferenz)

Vergessene Zukunft
radikale Netzkulturen in Europa
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Conference 2009:
Critical Strategies in Art and Media
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Kritische Strategien im kulturellen Alltag


Buchpräsentation und Diskussion

Conference 2008

Strategic Reality Dictionary
Strategic Reality Dictionary
Deep Infopolitics and Cultural Intelligence

WII Knowledge Engine

Nach dem Ende der Politik
Nach dem Ende der Politik
Texte zur Zukunft der Kulturpolitik III

Phantom Kulturstadt
Texte zur Zukunft der Kulturpolitik II

Deep Search II
Konferenz, Wien, 28. Mai 2010

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion:
in Kunst und Medien

(Löcker Verlag Frühjahr 2008)

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion:
New practices in Art and Media