Networked Campaigns:
Traffic Tags and Cross Platform Analysis on the Web

Greg Elmer

This paper defines a new methodological framework to examine emerging forms of political campaigning on and across Web 2.0 platforms (i.e. Facebook, Youtube, Twitter) in the North-American context. The proposed method seeks to identify the new strategies that make use of campaign texts, users, keywords, information networks and software code to spread political communications and rally voters across distributed, and therefore seemingly unmanageable, spheres of online communication. The proposed method differentiates itself from previous Web 1.0 methods focused on mapping hyperlinked networks. In particular, we pay attention to the new materiality of the Web 2.0 as constituted by shared objects that circulate across modular platforms. In this paper we develop an object-centered method through the concept of traffic tags – unique identifiers that by enabling the circulation of web objects across platforms organize political activity online. By tracing the circulation of traffic tags, we can map different sets of relationships among uploaded and shared web objects (text, images, videos, etc), political actors (online partisans, political institutions, bloggers, etc), and web based platforms (social network sites, search engines, political websites, blogs, etc).

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RSS 2025 | World-Information Institute and World-Information.Org
are projects of the Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, Vienna

Supported by:

In cooperation with LBI Medien.Kunst.Forschung

Vergessene Zukunft (Buchpräsentation und Diskussion)
"Nach dem Ende der Politik" (Buchpräsentation)
Wikileaks - Kommt die Demokratisierung der Information? (Diskussion)
Kritische Strategien in Kunst und Medien 2010 (Diskussion und Buchpräsentation)
Conference Deep Search II (Konferenz)

Vergessene Zukunft
radikale Netzkulturen in Europa
Buchpräsentation und Diskussion

Conference 2009:
Critical Strategies in Art and Media
Presentation and Discussion with and by Stevphen Shukaitis
Critical Strategies in cultural everyday life


Presentation and Panel Discussion

Conference 2008

Strategic Reality Dictionary
Strategic Reality Dictionary
Deep Infopolitics and Cultural Intelligence

WII Knowledge Engine

After the End of Politics
After the End of Politics
Texts about Future Cultural Politics III.

Phantom Kulturstadt
Texts about Future Cultural Politics II

Deep Search II
Conference, Vienna, May 28 2010

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion:
in Kunst und Medien

(Löcker Verlag Frühjahr 2008)

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion:
New practices in Art and Media