World-Information Institute in cooperation with Depot:

"Critical Strategies in cultural everyday life"

Presentation and Discussion with and by Stevphen Shukaitis

Thursday 26 November 2009
Start: 7pm
Place: Depot
Breite Gasse 3
1070 Vienna

Event in English language

All power to the imagination? Over the past forty years to invoke the imagination as a basis for radical politics has become a cliché: But what exactly is radical imagination? What does it mean to invoke the power of the imagination when it seems that the imagination has already seized power through the power of the spectacle? Does any subversive potentiality remain?

In conversation with Katharina Ludwig

Stevphen Shukaitis is editor at Autonomedia and lecturer at the University of Essex. He is co-editor of "Constituent Imagination: Militant Investigations // Collective Theorization" (AK Press, 2007). His research focuses on the emergence of collective imagination in social movements and the changing compositions of cultural and artistic labor.

Katharina Ludwig studied Political Science and works as a free journalist in Vienna and Berlin.

World-Information Institute is cooperating with the New York publishers Autonomedia in connection with recent publications and a conference

Book Launch:

Imaginal Machines: Autonomy & Self-Organization in the Revolutions of Everyday Life
Stevphen Shukaitis, Minor Compositions 2009, an imprint of Autonomedia, ISBN 978-1-57027-208-0, 256 Seiten

"Imaginal Machines explores with humor and wit the condition of art and politics in contemporary capitalism. It reviews the potentials and limits of liberatory art while charting the always-resurgent creations of the collective imagination."
Silvia Federici, author of Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation

Strategic Reality Dictionary: Deep Infopolitics and Cultural Intelligence
Konrad Becker, Autonomedia 2009, ISBN 978-1-57027-202-8, 160 Seiten

"The Strategic Reality Dictionary offers seventy-two keys to the construction, imposition and maintenance of contemporary systems of inclusion and exclusion, which only function for two principle reasons: because of stealth, and because they are able to engineer our own unconscious beliefs."
Brian Holmes

RSS 2025 | World-Information Institute and World-Information.Org
are projects of the Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0, Vienna

Supported by:

In cooperation with LBI Medien.Kunst.Forschung

Vergessene Zukunft (Buchpräsentation und Diskussion)
"Nach dem Ende der Politik" (Buchpräsentation)
Wikileaks - Kommt die Demokratisierung der Information? (Diskussion)
Kritische Strategien in Kunst und Medien 2010 (Diskussion und Buchpräsentation)
Conference Deep Search II (Konferenz)

Vergessene Zukunft
radikale Netzkulturen in Europa
Buchpräsentation und Diskussion

Conference 2009:
Critical Strategies in Art and Media
Presentation and Discussion with and by Stevphen Shukaitis
Critical Strategies in cultural everyday life


Presentation and Panel Discussion

Conference 2008

Strategic Reality Dictionary
Strategic Reality Dictionary
Deep Infopolitics and Cultural Intelligence

WII Knowledge Engine

After the End of Politics
After the End of Politics
Texts about Future Cultural Politics III.

Phantom Kulturstadt
Texts about Future Cultural Politics II

Deep Search II
Conference, Vienna, May 28 2010

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion:
in Kunst und Medien

(Löcker Verlag Frühjahr 2008)

Buchpräsentation und Diskussion:
New practices in Art and Media