When the idea that the world exists in a particular state regardless of the intention of the observer had to be given up, objective reality was complemented by observer-created reality. But the quality of experience of reality is relative to the organization of perception. As sound becomes signal, when the observer is capable of viewing the sonic diffusion as a pattern, the capability of analysis and synthesis depends on the development and organization of perception. The forms which we use to come to terms with our experiences range from hallucinations to the rational use of schematic models. A major feature of productive thought is based on psychological-associative recombination, but the very fact of theoretical formulation already shows that internal representations represent a determinative element of a perceptional environment.
Belief and imagination construct reality, from the basic mechanisms of survival to the brain stem controlled hit-and-run instinct and territorial behavior to the abstract symbolism of the neural impulses coded in mental images and underlying world views. The more reference points a system has and the more potentially useful it thereby becomes, the more uncertainty factors seep in. What is "real" is not certain, but what is certain is not "real". Man's nervous system shows that the difference between a "real" and a merely "clearly and vividly imagined" event can be erased. The nervous system acts according to what it believes or sees to be "true". This is the base of mental success training. Lock picking the future requires multi-dimensional maps of the world for new exits and safe havens in hyperspace; it needs passwords that allow travels from global normative reality to parallel cultures and invisible worlds; it requires safe houses on the routes taken by the revolutionary practice of aimless flight; it needs psycho-geographical road maps that show the way to dreamtime, and public transport to Kaddath.