Most aspects of human communication can lead to misapprehension simply because there is no single way of interpreting a communication. There are subtle mechanisms that can lead to vastly different interpretations and without appropriate context there is no way to rule out one or another. Although in normal conversation this is problematic, in deceptive communication this is a desired attribute. Considering whether communication is deceptive or not depends on the view point, and the intentions behind the communication, which are often difficult to ascertain.
Deceptive communication has different forms and is serving different purposes. Concealment, exaggeration, equivocation, half-truths, misdirection, pretense (or irony, which relies on similar linguistic patterns), can all be considered types of deceptive communication. Pretense mechanisms may be implicated in a number of other mental processes like counterfactual reasoning or attribution in mind-reading skills. While intentional deceptive communication is deliberately attempting to conceal, unintentional deception occurs depending on a number of factors based on lack of context and equivocation resulting in confusion and misunderstandings.
The use of negations has been identified as a behavioral indicator of deception in human communication. As this cue is usually not perceived as signaling deceptive communication, using non-committal and ambiguous negations, are a most effective linguistic deception device (e.g. ?I wasn?t sure?, ?I don?t know?, ?I couldn?t tell?).
Deceptive communication is rated most effective and credible when it includes equivocal negations, despite it causing more confusion, misunderstandings, and difficulty in comprehension.
All communication has an element of deception. Code theory of communication proposed that as long as the transmission is clear, and the code used to interpret the transmission is correct, then there is no discrepancy between the message sent and the interpreted message. Communication between humans relies on context and relevance and does not ensure true communication when transmitted by the sender, or that the right context is used to interpret the message by the receiver. Communication depends on both parties to share a frame of reference, to interpret tone, intonation and idiosyncratic expressions in the same manner, from among a multitude of possible interpretations and to remember the same concepts in the identical way.
Deliberate deception in intelligence and military actions is executed to mislead adversary decision makers as to capabilities, intentions and operations and to cause the adversary to take specific actions (or inactions) that will contribute to the accomplishment of a mission. The US Army-handbook "The Law of Land Warfare" names the deceiving by wrong orders, the use of enemy codes, slogans and signals as well as targeted wrong instruction and propaganda. Professional agency deception work is rooted in psychological operations where selected information and indicators is conveyed to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals. Psychological operations, a non-lethal weapons system also called PSYOP (Joint Pub 1-02) induce or reinforce targets with attitudes and behavior favorable to the objectives. The topics or ideas on which a psychological operation is based are called psychological themes. Once it is known what motivates the target psychological operations can begin.
Hyper state control as a political tool uses psychologically coercive techniques in order to indoctrinate subjects. The end justifies the means to form an elitist, totalitarian society. If you make a person behave the way you want, you can make that person believe what you want. Hyper state control techniques are based on the same principles as mind control techniques studied in social control systems of cult groups and social bodies in general. Among them are practices of isolation, regression, meta-communication (implanting subliminal messages by stressing keywords or phrases in long, confusing explanations), and group pressure. The aim is alertness reduction, programmed confusion and flattening of the mind. The chthonic will express itself against the conscious mind, when ordinary thinking is silenced, distracted, or thoroughly deranged.
Electronic Dissolution of Memory (EDOM) is accomplished by electronically jamming the brain with microwave technology, causing excess amounts of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to create static which blocks out sight and sounds. Memory can be stopped for as long as the radio signal continues. The awareness of the person skips over the time during which he is subjected to the radio signal. Any memory of the incident is gone, the mind is blank. Memory is distorted, and time-orientation destroyed.
Digital Ecology is about understanding information ecosystems constituted by information flows being processed through various media. Information has become widely digitized and turned into a resource to be exploited, produced, and transformed in a similar way as material resources. A key ecological issue concerns the preservation and increase of the use value for the public at large and the non-commercial properties of information as opposed to the exchange value.
Digital ecology aims at understanding the production, distribution, storage, accessibility, ownership, selection and use of information in technologically determined environments. Economic forces, market failures and political interventions endanger the ecosystem of the infosphere, the pluralism and variety of cultural expression offered by information and communication technologies. Digital ecology seeks to preserve and increase the cultural diversity and quality of life in the information ecosystem.
Digital Human Rights is the extension and adoption of the universal human rights to the needs of an information based society. Information Society increasingly employs advanced information and communication technologies that all stem from a military background. These tools are extended into Non Lethal Weapons technology and can be easily abused in the hands of governments or corporations and used against the interest of the general public in a highly dangerous way. New power structures arise, with the potential to dominate those lacking skills and access to communication tools. Therefore realization of digital human rights shall grant that every human may participate in this medium and use its potential freely and unrestrictedly.
Digital human rights are based on the understanding of communication as motor of civilization and a base of individuality as well as society. Basic digital human rights include the right to access to the electronic domain, the right to freedom of expression and association online, and the right to privacy. The digital divide between those with access to the new electronic communication channels and those without, violates the right to education and skills in new technologies of the infosphere and the right to a basic level of information via public institutions and service providers.
Online free expression shall not be restricted by direct or indirect means, such as censorship, restrictive governmental or private control over hardware or software, telecommunications infrastructure, or other essential components of the electronic networks. The right to privacy, anonymity and security includes the protection from arbitrary surveillance of either content or association online as well as the right the choose privacy technology such as cryptography to protect communication. Efforts that lead to the development of communications infrastructure designed for surveillance, individualized user profiles, tracking data traces or intercepting online communication for surveillance or marketing purposes violate this right.
States receptive to hypnotic suggestion are likely to bring about sensations of hyper reality - more detached or more connected than usual to your surroundings.
Using every element of the environment to build the subject's experience is a key to immersion. Using everything and feeding back to the subjects what they observe is essential to successful induction. Distractions are incorporated in order to take subjects even deeper in trance. A seamless tapestry of the imaginary space, building a rich sensory description of a desired state, will create a rich sensorial experience in the subject while changing state through reframing questions. An information-menu is a special form of map. Symbolic orientation systems attributed with the aura of objectivity are a traditional subject of military- and extra- intelligence. Distortions from dimensional effects and the use of perspective have always been instruments of power and topographic maps are processed and manipulated for strategic reasons. In world maps, projections of a 3-D sphere onto the plane are propagandistically used regarding size and the center of power. The trapdoors of perception are wide open for travelers on territorial maps.
With the complexity of a non-linear information system, as in hypermedia one can expect not only enhanced retrievability of data but also a field for manipulation of an higher order. A major threat in modern life is being killed by your own defense system, which has been triggered too often by direct and indirect hypnotic suggestions, automatic clusters of deep trance phenomena that act as our patterns of defense. Not taking responsibility for the frames then means something else will...
Dictionaries define < hyp-no-sis > as: An induced sleeplike state in which the subject readily accepts the hypnotist's suggestions. Hypnosis, a derivative of the Greek word "hypno" meaning "sleep", is a "sleep-like" state and not sleep itself. Everybody has been in various hypnotic states many times without notice because it seemed natural. Hypnotic states are normal for humans and animals and people frequently lapse into a hypnotic state, triggered anytime a person remembers a sequence of events.
Hypnosis is associated with hyper suggestibility; the subject accepts suggestions at deep levels of consciousness. Anyone is hypnotized as the common link between most situations of hyper suggestibility appears to be a narrow selective focus of attention resulting from such diverse conditions as sensory isolation, relaxed attentiveness or extreme fear. There does not appear to be a single common EEG pattern in hyper suggestibility, which could point out hypnotized individuals, though there are hints of unique evoked potential responses. Many do not recognize the state of hypnosis because they expect to become unconscious. But unless you achieve deep somnambulistic levels, this is not likely to occur. Language itself is infected with the unconscious to the point where language is a collective dream.