Linguistic tools allow matching the subject's ongoing experience while moving smoothly to altered states. Words such as "and", "as", "because", "while" and "when" are linguistic bridges used to take a person into trance. Even when there is no logical connection if you join them with "and" it appears that there is.
Truisms linked to an indirect suggestion that presupposes the subjects will go into an altered state, linked to a physiological inevitability make the hypnotic response seem impersonalized and hence automatic. Senso-Linguistic infiltration is advanced by disassociating and de-personalizing processes normally thought to be validations of our consciousness, and overloading the conscious mind through self-referentiality makes it easier to stop trying to do anything consciously. As the map is not the territory, internal representations carry some reality but do not reflect what actually happened. Internal representations and physiology are linked in a cybernetic loop. As the subjects are told what to think, behavior is a result of the state they are in.