Escape is of particular importance as a tactic for individuals or small groups. To evade an attack instead of looking for confrontation gives small, flexible, and mobile units an advantage over large, hierarchical structures of dominance. Society's disapproval of a "flight from reality" quickly unveils itself as a propaganda lie targeted at the educated classes. Ultimately, it cannot be determined which reality is meant in this scenario ravaged by the misery of the normal and the terror of normality. Reality as a normative hallucination is the virtual prison system of a social organization. Individuals who flee from these representations and concepts of the world have more choices than those who cannot escape the straight-jackets of imposed reality. In a society where fear has advanced in boredom as a most effective method of counterrevolutionary control, houdinists and hedonic engineers explore escape routes from an anxiously bored society knowing that speed and deception secretly free from imposed values. The prerequisite for the successful escapist flight is to master the terrain. Navigation requires the manipulation of symbols in significant representations of spatial-topological structures. World maps, the tool of power politics and military intelligence, project proportional distortions of n-dimensional space onto the plane for propaganda purposes. Maps not only offer an abstract view of the world itself but also contain information about those who create them. This becomes particularly obvious with old maps. If we want to find out from which perspective the world is presented, we just have to look for the center of representation. The ways of life are flagged by representational systems, effective inducers with enforced non-representation of profits. In the center, seamless parquetry and non-local tiling of the imaginary space is a telematic menetekel for scotomic visualization. A trap is any of various devices by which one is caught or stopped unaware, confining or placing in a restricted position and preventing passage of something while allowing other matter to proceed. The escape artist is an expert on the topology of the knots and strings that bind him (De Vinculis in Genere) and a specialist when it comes to the warps and distortion of planes, lines and forms. As a technical version of Jacob's ladder, the functional principle of a controlled emergency escape is visualized in the international symbol of the fire escape emergency ladder. The opening becomes a carrier for a vision, the intermediate space turns into steps taken towards a way out. Not just up and down, left or right: ana or kata as proposed by the hyperspace pioneers. In hyper-contextuality the stand point changes into a line, opinion into a question of style as everything is connected in the hyperspace-design of the biomass. The children of the synvolution expand the personal resonance with non-finite resources, and transcode the synlogistic permaflux to escape from the vicious circle of coded projections and perceptions towards a nondeterministic hyperspace.