States receptive to hypnotic suggestion are likely to bring about sensations of hyper reality - more detached or more connected than usual to your surroundings.
Using every element of the environment to build the subject's experience is a key to immersion. Using everything and feeding back to the subjects what they observe is essential to successful induction. Distractions are incorporated in order to take subjects even deeper in trance. A seamless tapestry of the imaginary space, building a rich sensory description of a desired state, will create a rich sensorial experience in the subject while changing state through reframing questions. An information-menu is a special form of map. Symbolic orientation systems attributed with the aura of objectivity are a traditional subject of military- and extra- intelligence. Distortions from dimensional effects and the use of perspective have always been instruments of power and topographic maps are processed and manipulated for strategic reasons. In world maps, projections of a 3-D sphere onto the plane are propagandistically used regarding size and the center of power. The trapdoors of perception are wide open for travelers on territorial maps.
With the complexity of a non-linear information system, as in hypermedia one can expect not only enhanced retrievability of data but also a field for manipulation of an higher order. A major threat in modern life is being killed by your own defense system, which has been triggered too often by direct and indirect hypnotic suggestions, automatic clusters of deep trance phenomena that act as our patterns of defense. Not taking responsibility for the frames then means something else will...