The WORLD-INFORMATION FORUM was the counterpart of the WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION and online information system and has been held at Vienna's Technical Museum on November 24, 2000, from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. At the WORLD-INFORMATION FORUM, the overall effects of the new information and communication technologies on society were discussed. Views on the continuing development of these technologies were given, and the political and economic aspects and influences were analyzed by experts from science and politics. Invited speakers were Ben Bagdikian from the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California (USA), Kunda Dixit, director of Panos South Asia and publisher of the Nepal Times (Nepal), Steve Wright, director of the OMEGA foundation (UK). Further contributions were provided by representatives of online media and by media activists, including Hito Steyerl, publicist and filmmaker (Germany), Alice Dvorska Initiative Against Economic Globalisation (INPEG), (Czech Republic), Marion Hamm, IndyMedia (UK), and Honor Harger from Tate Modern London, r a d i o q u a l i a (UK/AUS). |