Dr. Ben Bagdikian (US)
Graduate School of Journalism, University of California

Ben Bagdikian graduated from Clark University in 1941 and then, until 1942, became reporter at the Springfield Morning Union. From 1942 until 1954 he was an aerial navigator with the US Air Force. In 1947 he started at the Providence (R.I.) Journal-Bulletin as a reporter and later was promoted foreign correspondent and chief of the Washington Bureau. From 1967 to 1969 he was project director of the Mass Media Technology Study at RAND and in 1970 started as assistant managing editor for national news at the Washington Post. In 1972 he became assistant managing editor and ombudsman at the Washigton Post and in 1973 national correspondent at the Columbia Journalism Review. From 1976 until 1990 he taught at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California at
Berkeley, where, in 1985 he became Dean, and in 1991 Emeritus.
Further posts of Ben Bagdikian included: President, Mellett Fund for A Free and Responsible Press (1966-1970), Screening Panel, National Endowment for the Humanities (1967-1970), Board of Directors, Committee to Protect Journalists (1981-1985), Trustee, Clark University (1967-1976), Steering Committee, National Prison Project, ACLU (1974-1981), Social Science Research Council, Committee on Mass Communications and Political Behavior (1974-1980), American Library Association Commission on Freedom and
Equality of Access to Information (1983-1987), Board of Directors, Data Center (1990-1997), and National Advisory Council, American Civil Liberties Union (1998-today.)
In The Midst of Plenty: The Poor in America (Beacon Press, 1964) The Information Machines (Harper & Row, 1970) The Effete Conspiracy and Other Crimes by the Press (Harper & Row, 1973) Caged: Eight Prisoners and Their Keepers (Harper & Row, 1976) The Media Monopoly (Beacon Press, 1983) Double Vision: Reflections on My Heritage, Life, and Profession (Beacon Press, 1995) Contributor: Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, The Nation, New York
Sunday Times Magazine, The London Times, Mother Jones, etc.
George Foster Peabody Award (1951) Sidney Hillman Foundation Award (1955) Brown University, LHD (1961) John Simon Guggenheim Fellow (1962) Clark University, Litt. D. (1963) Sigma Delta Chi National Journalism Award (1975) Citation of Merit, "Journalism's Most Perceptive Critic", American Society of Journalism School Administrators (1978) Berkeley Citation (1990) University of Rhode Island, LHD (1992) Rhode Island Journalism Hall of Fame (1992) James Madison Award, American Library Association, Coalition on Government Information (1998)
