Security Paranoia in the World-Info-Sphere
(Day 1)
De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics December 6, 2002
This part examines the new forms of policing of the informational domains and some of the more hidden incentives behind the drive for info-security. The final section of the first day, “Public Mind Control” is devoted to a critical analysis of the mechanisms of public opinion management and disinformation strategies.

08 15 - 09 00
09 00 - 09 30
09 30 - 12 00
Control Anxiety
Chris Hables Gray (US)
Konrad Becker (AT)
Director World-Information.Org / Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0
Brian Holmes (US/FR)
Writer, Art Critic and Translator
Ryan Schoelerman (US)
Ex-NSA Agent
12 00 - 12 30
14 00 - 17 00
Public Mind Control
Sheldon Rampton (US)
Editor of PR Watch
Dr. Ben Bagdikian (US)
Graduate School of Journalism, University of California
Eveline Lubbers (NL)
Investigative Journalist
Andrew Bichlbaum (US)
WTO / GATT.ORG Representative, Member of The Yesmen and Disinformation Specialist
