Participants: Sheldon Rampton (US),
Dr. Ben Bagdikian (US),
Eveline Lubbers (NL),
Andrew Bichlbaum (US)
Public Mind Control

Public Mind Control is devoted to the second aspect of information control, the highly developed methods of public opinion and perception management. Public opinion management is a necessary complement of intelligence gathering. The creation of a lasting control grid through informational means requires a sophistication of control over what is the content of public debate and discourse, over what gets communicated and what is left out of the picture. Besides the traditional political players in this field, multinational corporations have stepped up their efforts in perception management, and have refined their (dis-)information efforts tremendously. Corporate greenwahsing techniques are discussed alongside successful reversals of the appreciation of outcomes of research, statistics or even real-life events. The panel also investigates the advanced usage of dis-information strategies as tactical tools for activists.
