Workshop Sessions
Zoning VS Open Source City - Data City
World-Information City Conference

For the first time in world history a majority lives in cities but the cities' form itself is challenged. Virtual and physical space increasingly fragments into fully globalized zones along intensely localized spaces in a single geographic domain. High-level presentations, discussions and workshops offer insights on future urban transformations in a digitally networked world. With: Bruno Latour, Saskia Sassen, Stephen Graham, Christophe Aguiton, Carlo Ratti, John Urry, Eyal Weizman, Solomon Benjamin, Brian Holmes a.o.
No registration, free admission.
World-Information City pre-event at médialab SciencesPo
Closing Event

World-Information City, a week-long transnational programme of events related to issues of the information society, is wound up in this closing event that features various forms of artistic and social engagement with information, including electronic music, open source projects, and the shortfilm showcase "Thought Thieves".
World-Infostructure Exhibition

World-Infostructure visualizes subject matter linked to various aspects of the information society based on research by World-Information.Org on global communication networks, the global media market, global content channels, global brain ware, global data bodies, global info rights and digital security.
World-Information City Exhibition

The exhibition is a dispersed show across different sites from Russell Market in Shivajinagar through Tasker Town to Cunningham Road. It is designed in such a way as to facilitate site-specific works, but also to allow for interaction with different publics.

"Writing on the Surface of the City" (Student Broadsheet Workshop by ALF and Sarai), Connected-Programme (Presentation, Waag Society), Economy of the Commons (Felix Stalder), Open Sound Workshops (Chris Kummerer, Ralf Traunsteiner), FOSS (Parag Goel, Dinesh, Abhas and Edward Crompton), Electronic Media Monitoring (Marko Peljhan)
World-Information City Guided Tours

"Community-Radio Project Number 20" with Ashish Sen and "Cities within Cities: An Intellectual Turbulence within a Global Ideal" with Solly Benjamin
World-Information City Campaign

Billboards Designs, Posters, Stickers in the Public Sphere.
World-Information City Conference

The conference segment of World Information City brings together panels, discursive and research based presentations and conversations on “Information” and the “City” as societal and political realities, with a particular emphasis on their interrelationships. We hope by doing so we are able to speak not only to the broad themes of information, society, politics and history but also to the concrete realities of “World Information Cities” such as Bangalore.
Panel discussion + presentation of "Billboard Call Bangalore 2005" and infopaper "World-Information-City. IP City Edition"
Amongst others with Elffriede, Marina Grzinic, Hanna Hacker, Felix Stalder, Veronika Weidinger
Short Film Showcase. Call for Work! |
THOUGHT THIEVE$ is a short film showcase about corporate appropriation
of knowledge, culture, and creativity. Deadline: 16th September, 2005.
World-Information Lounge

Complementing the exhibition and the conference will be the World-Information Lounge; a temporary space, where presentations and lectures from artists, activists, professionals and scientist as well as discussions will take place.
World-Information Forum

Held in connection with the World-Information Exhibition on 20 April, 2003, in Belgrade the World-Information Forum called “Total DisInformation Awareness: Conflict, Control and Freedom of Information” will get together a number of notable speakers of various disciplines to discuss communication technologies and their role in the psychological positioning of ideas.
World-Information Exhibition

The World-Information Exhibition outlines the emergence and influence of worldwide communication and information networks on various aspects of society and everyday life. Through exhibits and visual diagrams, interactive installations and digital artworks it describes the multifaceted interrelations between technology and society, politics, culture, art and economy.

In addition to the exhibition in the Oude Kerk, on 6 and 7 December, 2002, De Balie will host the World-InfoCon conference 'The Network Society of Control', an international and interdisciplinary forum on the issues of surveillance, security and freedom of networks.
World-Information Exhibition

The exhibition consists of the three parts "World-Infostructure", "World-C4U" and "Future Heritage" that will outline the evolution of communication technologies and their consequences in relation to society, exhibit historic and state-of-the-art control and surveillance technology and display digital artworks and installations.
Workshop Program
Rounding off the exhibition and the conference will be the workshop program; a temporary media lab, where a series of selected movies related to the topics of World-Information.Org will be shown and discussions, demonstrations from artists, and workshops will take place.
Educational Program

For high school students, World-Information.Org has developed an educational program to support the course ‘CKV’ (Culturele Kunstzinnige Vorming)for both VMBO and HAVO/VWO. Further details are available in Dutch.
Presentation @ Tate Modern
Surveillance & Control |

World-Information.Org has been invited to participate in the event Surveillance & Control, organized by the renowned Tate Modern in London (UK).
World-Information Forum

Held in connection with the World-Information Exhibition the World Information Forum got together a number of notable speakers, including Ben Bagdikian, Steve Wright and Kunda Dixit. Those and the panelists addressed the political and artistic dilemmas as well as the opportunities contained in the transition to a digital world.
Dialogue Tours
(Concept by trafo-K) |

A range of cultural visionaries will be giving their views on the information society as they accompany visitors through the exhibition.
World-Information Exhibition

The World-Information Exhibition comprised three sections titled "World-Infostructure", "Future Heritage" and "World C4U", each featuring the results of the theoretical and practical examination of different aspects of new media and technology carried out by renowned international artists and researchers.
PureData Ensemble Party

The PureData Ensemble Party, where Remote Jamming was presented for the first time, completed the first exhibition day.

The World Infocon conference took place within the framework of the Brussels exhibition program and included well-known speakers such as Cees Hamelink, Simon Davies and Steve Kurtz.
World-Information Exhibition

Through installations and artistic works, the World-Information Exhibition demonstrated today's world of information as well as its possibilities and effects on all aspects of life: the private environment, the workplace, politics, the economy, education, science and art.