INPEG was formed more than a year ago with the aim of organizing actions in September 2000
against the summit of IMF and World Bank. It cooperates also with the PGA and other activist
networks. It consists of different anarchist, revolutionary socialist, radical ecologist, human rights,
alternative culture activists and groups. The Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation also joined INPEG.
INPEG fights against economic globalization and its impacts on environment, social and human rights.
Economic globalization is characteristic because of its centralization of economic and political power.
Internet, mobile phones and other technologies - if used in a good way - can help you very much. This
technologies can exist also without economic globalization.
One of the first things done after the foundation of INPEG was creating an email discussion list so that
the people from different places in the Czech Republic could communicate with each other. In May
2000 INPEG created the website http://inpeg.ecn.cz in English and Czech. The basic statement,
actualities, press releases, articles about IMF/World Bank/World Trade Organization/economic
globalization, contacts, links and others are publicly available there. This website was since its
foundation visited more than 70 000 times and played a very important role of informing the people all
around the world about INPEG.
INPEG considers internet as the most important tool for communication in the present because it can
be used in a nonhierarchical and non-censored way, too. The activists of INPEG believe in a
decentralized world. Internet and email is very useful for this.