
De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics 6 and 7 December, 2002
The tidal wave of new security legislation that has followed the tragic events of September 11, 2001, have made a critical examination of information politics in the network society uncommonly urgent. The Amsterdam edition of World-Info-Con 2002 will be an international and interdisciplinary forum to examine the recent developments in information law, policing and surveillance, and intellectual property rights in the digital domain.

Security Paranoia in the World-Info-Sphere
(Day 1) De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics December 6, 2002
Building the Digital Commons
(Day 2 ) De Balie, Centre for Culture and Politics December 7, 2002
Eric Kluitenberg's review of the World-InfoCon 2002 in Amsterdam describes the background and some of the main outcomes of the conference. Read
Eric Kluitenberg, De Balie, Amsterdam Felix Stalder, Open Flows, Zürich / Toronto Konrad Becker, Public Netbase, Vienna
A number of key-trends unfold alongside each other: First of all a radical expansion of policing and surveillance powers on the part of police and investigative authorities, manifested in new laws and increased budgets, apparently meant to counter a deep anxiety about security. ... Read |