World-Information City Campaign

Public Space - Bangalore Streets 14-20 November 2005
Billboards Designs, Posters, Stickers in the Public Sphere.
Along the lines of the overall topic "What do stricter intellectual property laws mean for the public, for digital ecology, accessibility of knowledge, and also for the future of urban spaces?" World-Information.Org will be presenting the following projects:

Ulrike Brückner (DE)
Artist, Berlin
"Good Questions"
Sebastian Lütgert (DE)
Artist, Berlin
Elffriede (AT)
Artist, Vienna
"You are free"
Paula Roush (UK)
Artist, London
"Who owns your knowledge?"
Dominik Hruza (AT)
Artist, Vienna
"Changes of State"
Ashok Sukumaran (IN)
"United We Stand"
0100101110101101.ORG (IT)
