Introduction: The Substitution of Human Faculties with Technology: Powered Machines |

The development of the steam engine in 1776 represented a major advance in the construction of powered machines and marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Powered engines and machines soon became common and led to the first extensive mechanization of manufacturing processes. The development of large-scale machine production on one hand decreased the demand for craftsmen and increased the demand for semiskilled and unskilled workers and on the other altered the nature of the work process from one mainly depending on physical power to one primarily dominated by technology.

Mass production
The term mass production refers to the application of the principles of specialization, division of labor, and standardization of parts to the manufacture of goods. The use of modern methods of mass production has brought such improvements in the cost, quality, quantity, and variety of goods available that the largest global population in history is now sustained at the highest general standard of living. A moving conveyor belt installed in a Dearborn, Michigan, automobile plant in 1913 cut the time required to produce flywheel magnetos from 18 minutes to 5 and was the first instance of the use of modern integrated mass production techniques.