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  Report: Disinformation and Democracy

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  Exchange of the Text

One of the easiest tools for disinformation is to exchange the words written below a photograph. The entire meaning of the picture can be varied like this:

- The visit of a school-group at a former international camp can change into a camp, where children are imprisoned (which happened in the Russian city of Petroskoy in 1944).

- Victims of war can change nationality. The picture of the brutal German soldier in World War II that was shown in many newspapers to demonstrate the so-called typical face of a murderer, turned out to be French and a victim in other newspapers.

- In 1976 a picture of children in a day-nursery in the GDR is taken: The children, coming out of the shower, were dressed up in terry cloth suits with stripes. The same year the photograph with the happily laughing boys and girls wins the contest "a beautiful picture". Two years later a small part of the photograph can be seen in a Christian magazine in West-Germany, supposedly showing children from a concentration camp in the USSR. The smiling faces now seem to scream. (source: Stiftung Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ed.): Bilder, die lügen. Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung im Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bonn 1998, p. 79)

browse Report:
Disinformation and Democracy
-3   Disinformation and Science
-2   Kyoko Data
-1   Further Tools: Photography
0   Exchange of the Text
+1   The Gulf War
+2   The Kosovo-Crisis
+3   The 2nd Chechnya-War
+4   Conclusion