Report: Disinformation and Democracy

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  The Role of the Media

"Although this is a free society, the U.S. mainstream media often serve as virtual propaganda agents of the state, peddling viewpoints the state wishes to inculcate and marginalizing any alternative perspectives. This is especially true in times of war, when the wave of patriotic frenzy encouraged by the war-makers quickly engulfs the media. Under these conditions the media's capacity for dispassionate reporting and critical analysis is suspended, and they quickly become cheer-leaders and apologists for war." (words as propaganda, by Edward Herman ; source:

The mass-media would have a possibility to get out of this circle of being disinformed and making others disinformed. To admit that oneself is not always informed correctly, and also mention that the pictures shown are not in any case suitable to the text, as some of them are older, or even from another battle.
For the media it would be easy to talk about the own disinformation in public. Doing this would provoke the government or in the case of the NATO an international organization, to unveil secrets. The strategy of the governments to hold back information would then look double as unsuitable.

browse Report:
Disinformation and Democracy
-3   Doubls Bind Messages
-2   The Secret Behind
-1   It is always the others
0   The Role of the Media
+1   Credibility
+2   Changes
+3   The Theory of the Celestro-Centric World
The North Atlantic Treaty was signed in Washington on 4 April 1949, creating NATO (= North Atlantic Treaty Organization). It was an alliance of 12 independent nations, originally committed to each other's defense. Between 1952 and 1982 four more members were welcomed and in 1999, the first ex-members of COMECON became members of NATO (the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland), which makes 19 members now. Around its 50th anniversary NATO changed its goals and tasks by intervening in the Kosovo Crisis.