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  Bangalore and back
Reflections on World-Information-City, Bangalore , by Felix Stalder
  Torrents of Desire and the Shape of the Information Landscape
by Felix Stalder
  Cultural intelligence and the Urban Multitudes
"World-Information City" and the Culture of Open Networks , by World-Information.Org
  Free Software Commons between North and South
by Felix Stalder
  Fragmented Urban Topographies and Their Underlying Interconnections
by Saskia Sassen
  Divide et Impera
An Interview with Arundhati Roy
  Speech at the World Summit of the Information Society
by Richard Stallman
Geneva, 16 July 2003 [Read]
  Cities of Planning and Cities of Non-Planning
A Geography of Intellectual Property , by Peter Drahos
  Haussmann in the Tropics
by Mike Davis
Off Worlds and the Super-terrestrial Golden Nowhere [Read]
  'Don't Copy that Floppy!': The Propaganda of Digital Protectionism
by Jamie King
  Options to Traditional Patents
by James Love
  The Black and White (and Grey) of Copyright
by Lawrence Liang
  Intellectual-Property Rights and Wrongs
by Joseph Stiglitz
  IP and the City
Restricted Lifescapes and the Wealth of the Commons , by Konrad Becker and Felix Stalder
Issues of intellectual property and their relationship to urban environments were at the core of World-Information City, World-Information.Org's Bangalore programme of November 2005. Both urban and informationial environments, Konrad Becker and Felix stalder write in this editorial, are shaped by increasing fragmentation. [Read]
  Globalisation: Materiality and the Limits of a Will to Power
by Lata Mani
Speaking at the World Information City Conference, Bangalore, historian and cultural critic Lata Mani challenged the widespread belief in the triumph of globalisation. Bangalore's IT locations, she argues, are "like fortresses built on the quicksand of a culturally alien territory". [Read]
  Pirates, Priests and Property
An interview with Sunil Abraham
Sunil Abraham, founder World-Information City partner institution Mahiti, in an interview on the politics of IP, traditional barriers to knowledge, and pirate subcultures. [Read]
  The Vienna Document
Xnational Net Culture and "The Need to Know" of Information Societies , by Open Cultures Working Group
Vienna Draft Document by the Open Cultures Working Group hosted by "Towards a Culture of Open Networks" - a collaborative program developed by Sarai CSDS (Delhi), Waag Society (Amsterdam) and World-Information.Org (Vienna). [Read]
  Grey Markets, Decentral Media
Ravi Sundaram on media cultures in India's post-colonial cities. [Read]
  The Other Information City
by Lawrence Liang
Bangalore's almost mythical status as India's Silicon Valley is not the only face of this city, now aspiring to become the "Singapore of India". But under the surface of changing slogans, Bangalore's streets and markets, cybercafés and shops tell an intriguing story of life in the "other information city". Lawrence Liang, member of the Alternative Law Forum, offers an inside view in this photo essay written for World-Information.Org [Read]
  Surveying Global Information Cities
Urbanist Solly Benjamin on economics, land-use policies, and social conflict in India's IT capital Bangalore [Read]
  Tough choices?
by Wolfgang Sützl
The World Economic Forum at Davos brimmed over with moral rethoric and with calls for solidarity. Meanwhile, the implementation of TRIPS in India could bar millions from access to medication. [Read]
  Public Domain in India
An interview with Lawrence Liang
Lawrence Liang is a researcher at the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore, one of World-Information.Org's partners for the 2005 India program. [Read]
  Weapons of Mass Deception
by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
On 28 July 2003 PR Watch editors Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber will present their new book "Weapons of Mass Deception". World-Information has received a copy in advance and read about how public relations campaigns successfully sold the Iraqi war to the American public. [Read]
  Psychological Warfare Calls for Disinformation
An interview with Andreas von Bülow
Andreas von Bülow, former German Minister for Research and Technology and former German Secretary of Defence, currently a lawyer in Bonn, on disinformation strategies and the role of intelligence services.

  No Issues Amidst the Noise
An interview with Ben Bagdikian
In the course of Amsterdam's World-InfoCon media critic and former dean of Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism Ben Bagdikian spoke to World-Information.Org about the control of the media and its orientation around advertising and what that means for a democracy.
  “Grassroots Movements Can Learn from the PR industry.”
An interview with Sheldon Rampton
During the World-InfoCon conference in Amsterdam Sheldon Rampton, editor of PR Watch, spoke to World-Information.Org about improving grassroots techniques of advocacy.

  Digital Political Irony
An interview with Heath Bunting
Heath Bunting is a member of IRATIONAL.ORG, an international system for deploying "irrational" information, services and products for the displaced and roaming. He spoke to World-Information.Org about CCTV and the reinvention of political irony. [Read]
  No Surprises
by Chris Hables Gray
Chris Hables Gray, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of the Cultural Studies of Science and Technology and of Computer Science at the University of Great Falls. This excerpt from his latest book, Information, Power and Peace (Routledge 2002) deals with how new information technologies impact the chances for global peace.
  Cyborg Society
An interview with Chris Hables Gray
Chris Hables Gray is an Associate Professor of the Cultural Studies of Science and Technology and of Computer Science at the University of Great Falls in Great Falls, Montana. He studies cyborology (cybernetic organisms) and spoke with Wolfgang Sützl about cyborgs and their implications. [Read]
  INPEG - Initiative Against Economic Globalization
An interview with Alice Dvorská
Alice Dvorská works as activist on different aspects of "globalization" and is press agent of INPEG. After her presentation at the World-Information Forum in Vienna, she spoke about state repression on political activists in the Czech Republic. [Read]
  Disrupting the Bunker
An interview with Critical Art Ensemble
This past summer Critical Art Ensemble presented the project "Cult of the New Eve," an ironic examination of gene obsession in the biotech industry, at the WIO Future Heritage Exhibition in Brussels. The group spoke to Wolfgang Sützl about bunkers, non-rational resistance, and the appropriation of uselessness. [Read]
  "All sort of terminology is filtered through the market"
An interview with Pauline van Mourik Broekmann
Pauline is the founder of MUTE magazine, London. She acted as chairperson at the World-Information Forum held in Vienna last November, where she spoke about the concepts of MUTE, globalization and the human cattle behavior. [Read]
  Closed Networks in an Open Society
by Geert Lovink
"Eyeballs around the WWWorld, Unite!" The so-called open and democratic character of the Internet is not a God-given fact.
Cultural intelligence gathers, evaluates and processes meta-information: information about the foundations of the information society. This includes clear analysis and investigation of its societal, cultural, economic and political potentials and dangers.

Cultural intelligence acts as a balance to traditional military or economic intelligence services that gather information to increase control, and serves the public interest through citizen’s empowerment and independence. As accurate information is essential to optimal decisions, cultural intelligence services compensate the public’s lack of meta-information as socio-political and cultural foundation for decision-making.

To meet the public’s need for high quality and accessible cultural information and content, cultural intelligence provides information on developments and probable courses of action in the infosphere. In the tradition of the Enlightenment, cultural intelligence is an advocate of citizen’s rights of cultural freedom, freedom of opinion and expression, communication and privacy.

The services provided are designed to foster and protect the public sphere and discourse as well as the variety and richness of cultural expressions in a society increasingly determined by information and communication technologies.

By observing and analyzing enlightening cultural, socio-political, technological and economical trends, culture intelligence counters indoctrination and propaganda. [Read]

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