192 Participants total
The following list includes past and present participants of all World-Information.Org events.
Latour , Bruno (FR)
Universités Sciences Po |
Levallois-Barth , C.
Telecom ParisTech |
Liang, Lawrence (IN)
Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore |
Licoppe , C.
Telecom ParisTech |
Lovink, Geert (NL)
Media Theorist and Journalist |
Lubbers, Eveline (NL)
Investigative Journalist |
Lyon, David (CAN/UK)
Director of Surveillance Project, Research Chair in Sociology at Queen’s University (Kingston) |
Lütgert, Sebastian (DE)
Artist, Berlin |
Magid, Jill (US)
Artist |
Magnan, Nathalie (FR)
Mamoud, Taha (IN)
Researcher-Practitioner, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi |
maschek (AT)
Artist Group |
Matt, Gerald, Dr. (AT)
General Director of "Kunsthalle Wien" |
Mehta, Arun (IN)
Activist and Educator |
Milat, Petar (CR)
Co-director of 'past forward' |
