192 Participants total
The following list includes past and present participants of all World-Information.Org events.
Roush, Paula (UK)
Artist, London |
Roy, Arundhati (IN)
Writer, Delhi |
RTmark (US)
Culture Jammers |
rx:tx (SI)
Electronic Music Label |
Sarai Media Lab (IN)
New Media Initiative in Delhi |
Sassen, Saskia (US)
Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University |
Sastry, Subramanya (IN)
Software Programmer, Open Source Activist, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi |
Schilling, Thorsten (DE)
Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung |
Schneider, Florian (DE)
Media Activist, "No Border Campaign" / "No one is illegal", Munich |
Schoelerman, Ryan (US)
Ex-NSA Agent |
Schöllhammer, Georg (AT)
Publisher "Springerin" |
Sen, Ashish (IN)
tba |
Sengupta, Shuddhabrata (IN)
Researcher-Practitioner, Artist, Writer, Sarai-CSDS, Delhi |
Shah, Nishanth (IN)
Research Scholar, CSCS, Bangalore |
Sheela Gowda (IN)
