This is the most confusing, but also most powerful part of Remote Jamming. With the IO Panel you control the way the sound travels from one act to the next and finally to the Master MP3 Stream. It allows you to feed the output of one act into any other act in order to refine and reloop the sound before feeding it into the Master MP3 Stream.
The IO Panel consists of 15 sliders and is divided in four groups. The horizontal grey lines tell you the "normal" value of the slider.
The left group is the "in" group. Here you select the input of your act. You can either use the "in" as your input, or the "out", or both. When you select "in", you can hear everything that other acts are sending through the bus function to your current act. Selecting "out", you receive everything that is sent to the Master MP3-stream. With the sliders you can adjust the volume of the input.
The next slider is the "out" slider, it controls the "Master-Volume". If you turn it down, no sound from the current act is sent to the MP3-stream. If you turn it up, your output is sent to the stream.
The buses sliders let you channel the output of one act individually to another acts e.g. "Bus 1" sends the sound of the currently selected act to act "1", "Bus 2" sends the sound of the currently selected act to act "2". The owner of act "2" will be able to decide if at all or how loud the channeled sound will be heard in the final output of the act and can i.e. decide to temporarily record the output of the act into the loop buffer.
With the effect sliders you can send the output of the currently selected act to the specified effect-act e.g. the slider "dist" lets you send the output of the currently selected act to the input of the act "distortion".