open MP3 Stream
To start playing with Remote Jamming you need to open the MP3-stream. Otherwise you won´t hear anything. Clicking on the toddle next to "open MP3 Stream" will automatically start the Master MP3-stream in your MP3 Player.
In case this toddle does not work, check your browser preferences, and assign the MP3-Player to the fileformat: playlist-file (audio/x-mpegurl)
You can also start the MP3 Player manually and open the following URL
in the MP3 Players playlist.
To upload your own sample - click the upload sample toodle. This will open a new window. You can upload .mp3-files only. The length should not exceed 3 min, everything else will be stripped off.
Depending on your bandwith the upload can take a while - please be patient. After you have uploaded your samples successfully, it is immediately available in the Remote Jamming interface.
goto archive
The goto archiv toddle opens the archive-page. Here you can listen to previous Remote Jamming sessions. Clicking on the name of the files opens a short description of the file and the nicknames of the people involved.
Opens this readme of Remote Jamming.
master rec
When you check the "master rec" toddle, the current MP3-Stream is recorded and is saved with the date and the nicknames of the players in the Remote Jamming archive.
If the "rec"-toddle is red, you are recording. To stop the recoding un-check the master"rec" toddle. Master recordings can be as long as 30 Minutes.