Panel discussion + presentation of "Billboard Call Bangalore 2005" and infopaper "World-Information-City. IP City Edition"
Netbase, Neustiftgasse 17, A-1070 Vienna, Austria Monday, October 17. 2005, 19:30
I) Presentation of submitted projects to "BILLBOARD BANGALORE 2005"
Introduction: Marina GRZINIC, Philosopher in Ljubliana, Prof. for Conceptual Studies (University of Applied Arts, Vienna) will present the jury’s selection on the Bangalore Billboard among the projects.
The following submissions ( Call for Contributions) will be presented in Bangalore’s public space in late November 2005 in the form of displays, posters, stickers:
- Ulrike Brückner (Berlin)
- Elffriede (Wien)
- Dominik Hruza (Wien)
- Paula Roush (London)
- Sebastian Lütgert (Berlin)
II) Presentation of "World Information – IP City Edition" infopaper and panel discussion with
- Hanna Hacker, Social and Cultural Studies
- Felix Stalder, Associate Lecturer for media economy (Academy of Arts and Design, Zürich), Co-Founder of openflows.org
- Presentation: Veronika Weidinger, Radio FM4
The discussion will focus on the issues of "World Information. IP City Edition", among which experts like Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, Saskia Sassen (Globalization Theories), Jamie King (founder of "Pretext") and others provide analysis and insight into the future of the global informational society.
The newspaper is associated with World-Information City, November 14. – 20. 2005 in Bangalore, India.
