"World-Information City", Bangalore November 2005
"Networks of Imagination", Vienna June 2005
************************************************************** "World-Information City", Bangalore November 2005
"In what ways do new technologies transform society? What is the impact
of these technologies on daily life, work, culture and politics?
What happens when identity and labor merge? How do new information
technologies reshape the very idea of the city? Within the realm of
information politics the concern has been over the expansionist
tendencies of intellectual property laws, for the digital public domain,
the digital ecology and commons- how do these conceptual resources
translate in relation to the city? Can for instance the metaphor of the
enclosure be used as much to understand digital processes as urban
These are some of the important question that will be debated at
World-Information City Bangalore.
2005 will see the first staging of World-Information.Org's extensive
program outside of Europe. Responding to a vibrant media culture that
has emerged in South Asia over the past years, World-Information.Org
will present its exhibition, conference and workshop program in India's
famous center of the IT industry.
"World-Information City" is a joint effort of European and South Asian
civil society, a global cooperation rooted in the diversity of
Bangalore's Information Society projects and realized in collaboration
with Alternative Law Forum and Mahiti.
- Conference in late November 2005 with extensive workshop series.
- Public Outreach introduces information society issues and themes
into the public sphere and urban environment of Bangalore.
- Exhibition outlines the emergence and influence of worldwide
communication and information networks on society and everyday life.
- Digital Performance shows a broad variety of artistic practice and
recent developments in the digital realm.
- Publication presents a collection of articles, interviews and essays
relating to World-Information City and WSIS 2005 in Tunis.
"World-Information City" focuses on cultures of Open Networks in
technology driven information societies and on issues of Intellectual
Property and access to information.
************************************************************** "Networks of Imagination" Vienna June 2005
Global Information Landscapes and Urban Transformations in Asia
Workshop Vienna, June 20. – 21. 2005
"Networks of Imagination" brings together researchers, practitioners and
institutions from Asia and Europe working in the field of culture and
knowledge economies. A view into the practice, strategies and
interventions of Agents in the Information Landscape provides for debate
and assessment regarding change and everyday life in information
societies beyond Europe.
Participants include key figures from the project partners in Bangalore
in perspective of the "World-Information City" event in November:
Sunil Abraham, Mahiti, Bangalore; Konrad Becker, Public Netbase, Vienna;
Solomon Benjamin, Bangalore; Paul Keller, Waag Society, Amsterdam;
Lawrence Liang, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore; Taha Mehmood, Sarai
CSDS, Delhi; Namita Malhotra, Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore; Stefan
Nowotny,EIPCP,Vienna; Christoph Schäfer, Park Fiction, Hamburg;
Shuddhabaratha Sengupta, Sarai CSDS, Delhi;
Workshop Program:
- June 20. 2005, 14:00 – 18:00 Presentations and Discussion
Location: AZW - Architekturzentrum Vienna, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070
- June 21. 2005, 19:00 - 21:00 Video-screening
Location: Public Netbase, Burggasse 21, A-1070 Vienna
************************************************************** WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG
World-Information.Org was initiated by the Institute for New Culture
Technologies/t0 and is a collaboration of a wide range of international
experts, theoreticians and practitioners. Since the launch of the
project under the patronage of UNESCO as a theme of the European
Cultural Capital 2000 in Brussels, World-Information.Org staged its
extensive exhibition and conference program in Vienna, Amsterdam,
Belgrade, and Novi Sad and presented at various European cities like
London, Berlin, Munich and Helsinki. World-Information.Org's services
are designed to foster and protect the public sphere and discourse and
focus on the issues of future heritage, digital ecology, and digital
human rights.
Institute for New Culture Technologies/ t0 Burggasse 21 A-1070 Vienna AUSTRIA Tel.: ++43/1/522 18 34 Fax: ++43/1/522 50 58
************************************************************** PARTNERS
"World-Information City" will be offered as part of the
EU-India-ECCP-Programme "Towards a Culture of Open Networks – a
collaborative initiative on bridging information society in Europe and
India through culture and communication".
Partner organizations include:
Sarai CSDS, Delhi
Waag Society, Amsterdam
The Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
Mahiti, Bangalore
The Srishti School of Arts, Bangalore
+ local partners
"World-Information City" is realized with the financial support of the
European Union (EU-India-ECCP-Programme), the City of Vienna -
Department for Cultural Affairs and Max Mueller Bhavan (Goethe
Institute) Bangalore.