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  Report: Copyright

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  Enforcement: Copyright Management and Control Technologies

With the increased ease of the reproduction and transmission of unauthorized copies of digital works over electronic networks concerns among the copyright holder community have arisen. They fear a further growth of copyright piracy and demand adequate protection of their works. A development, which started in the mid 1990s and considers the copyright owner's apprehensions, is the creation of copyright management systems. Technological protection for their works, the copyright industry argues, is necessary to prevent widespread infringement, thus giving them the incentive to make their works available online. In their view the ideal technology should be "capable of detecting, preventing, and counting a wide range of operations, including open, print, export, copying, modifying, excerpting, and so on." Additionally such systems could be used to maintain "records indicating which permissions have actually been granted and to whom".

browse Report:
    Intellectual Property and the "Information Society" Metaphor
-3   Challenges for Copyright by ICT: Digital Content Providers
-2   Linking and Framing: Cases
-1   Positions Towards the Future of Copyright in the "Digital Age"
0   Enforcement: Copyright Management and Control Technologies
+1   Copyright Management and Control Systems: Pre-Infringement
+2   Copyright Management and Control Systems: Metering
+3   Copyright Management and Control Systems: Post-Infringement
Recent "Digital Copyright" Legislation: European Union