Funding Sources and Revenues

While most progressive think tanks acquire their funding through many different sources, for conservative think tanks financing by corporations prevails. Among the think tanks receiving a considerable amount of corporate money are the Cato Institute (U.S. conservative/libertarian), the Brookings Institution (U.S. centrist), the Heritage Foundation (U.S. conservative), the American Enterprise Institute (U.S. conservative) and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (U.S. conservative).

Also, whereas the combined revenue base of such conservative multi-issue policy institutions as the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, Free Congress Research and Education Foundation, the Cato Institute, and Citizens for a Sound Economy exceeded US$ 77 million in 1995, the roughly equivalent U.S. progressive Institute for Policy Studies, the Economic Policy Institute, Citizens for Tax Justice, and the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities had only US$ 9 million at their collective disposal in 1995.

Economic Policy Institute

EPI was founded to "widen the debate about policies to achieve healthy economic growth, prosperity, and opportunity in the "new American economy"." Areas of research include political issues, economic issues, industry policy, social issues, education and environmental issues. EPI's current research agenda includes projects on: evaluating state/federal minimum wage policies; welfare reform; social security studies; domestic industrial competitiveness; nonstandard work arrangements; "fast-track" and other globalization policies; and privatization of public services.