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  The Secret Behind

The secret behind all this is the conception that nothing bad could ever be referred to the own nation. All the bad words belong to the enemy, whereas the "we" is the good one, the one who never is the aggressor but always defender, the savior - not only for ones own sake but also for the others, even if they never asked for it, like the German population during World War I and II.
The spiritualization of such thinking leads to the point that it gets nearly impossible to believe that this could be un-true, a fake. To imagine injustice committed by the own nation gets more and more difficult, the longer the tactic of this kind of propaganda goes on. U.S.-Americans voluntarily believe in its politics, believing also the USA works as the police of the world, defending the morally good against those who just do not have reached the same level of civilization until today.
To keep up this image, the enemy must be portrayed ugly and bad, like in fairy-tales, black-and-white-pictures. Any connection between oneself and the enemy must be erased and made impossible. In the case of Slobodan Milosevic or Saddam Hussein this meant to delete the positive contact of the last years from the consciousness of the population. Both had received a high amount of money and material help as long as they kept to the rules of the Western game. Later, when the image of the friend/confederate was destroyed, the contact had to be denied. The media, who had reported that help, no longer seemed to remember and did not write anything about that strange change of mind. And if any did, they were not really listened to, because people tend to hear what they want to hear. And who would want to hear that high amounts of his taxes had formerly gone to "a man" (this personification of the war to one single man is the next disinformation) who now is the demon in one's mind.

All of this is no invention of several politicians. Huge think tanks and different governmental organizations are standing behind that. Part of their work is to hide their own work, or to deny it.

browse Report:
Disinformation and Democracy
-3   Disinformation and the Media
-2   A Democratic Atrocity Story
-1   Doubls Bind Messages
0   The Secret Behind
+1   It is always the others
+2   The Role of the Media
+3   Credibility
Punch card, 1801
Invented by Joseph Marie Jacquard, an engineer and architect in Lyon, France, the punch cards laid the ground for automatic information processing. For the first time information was stored in binary format on perforated cardboard cards. In 1890 Hermann Hollerith used Joseph-Marie Jacquard's punch card technology for processing statistical data retrieved from the US census in 1890, thus speeding up data analysis from eight to three years. His application of Jacquard's invention was also used for programming computers and data processing until electronic data processing was introduced in the 1960's. - As with writing and calculating, administrative purposes account for the beginning of modern automatic data processing.

Paper tapes are a medium similar to Jacquard's punch cards. In 1857 Sir Charles Wheatstone applied them as a medium for the preparation, storage, and transmission of data for the first time. By their means, telegraph messages could be prepared off-line, sent ten times quicker (up to 400 words per minute), and stored. Later similar paper tapes were used for programming computers.