Resistance on the Net (A)

Ever since the right-wing conservative Austrian People's Party, in order to be able to assume governmental power, formed a coalition government with the right-wing populist Freedom Party known for its hostile attitude towards art and foreigners, Europe has witnessed a re-politisation of Austrian artists, cultural workers and net culture. In a short time, the net became a place for discussion and communication among people opposing a government which was immediately ostracized across Europe.
Countless websites went online overnight, reminding the public of past declarations and deeds of the Freedom Party, and warning against the threat of a radicalisation of xenophobia, racism and anti-art sentiments. The websites publish details about upcoming public events and protests and provide a forum for a critical discourse about the Austrian government. A large number of mailing lists bridges the information gaps of national television and spread news about events and demonstrations. Resistance is oscillating between the net and the street, between public places and private homes.
