Psychotronic War

Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted
that "psy" weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by
Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:
A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of
being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps.
An autonomous generator, a device that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-
20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures.
A nervous system generator, designed to paralyze the central nervous systems of insects,
which could have the same applicability to humans.
Ultrasound emanations, which one institute claims to have developed. Devices using
ultrasound emanations are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal operations without
leaving a mark on the skin.
Psychotropics, defined as medical preparations used to induce a trance, euphoria, or
depression. Referred to as "slow-acting mines," they could be slipped into the food of a politician or
into the water supply of an entire city. Symptoms include headaches, noises, voices or commands in
the brain, dizziness, pain in the abdominal cavities, cardiac arrhythmia, or even the destruction of the
cardiovascular system.
Noiseless cassettes. It is said that the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low
frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected by the subconscious. Russians claim
to be using similar "bombardments" with computer programming to treat alcoholism or smoking.
The 25th-frame effect, alluded to above, a technique wherein each 25th frame of a movie reel
or film footage contains a message that is picked up by the subconscious. This technique, if it works,
could possibly be used to curb smoking and alcoholism, but it has wider, more sinister applications if
used on a TV audience or a computer operator.
ESP research: determining the properties and condition of objects without ever making
contact with them and "reading" peoples' thoughts, f.e. Project Stargate CIA
Clairvoyance research: observing objects that are located just beyond the world of the visible-
-used for intelligence purposes
Telepathy research: transmitting thoughts over a distance--used for covert operations
Telekinesis research: actions involving the manipulation of physical objects using thought
power, causing them to move or break apart--used against command and control systems, or to
disrupt the functioning of weapons of mass destruction
Psychokinesis research: interfering with the thoughts of individuals, on either the strategic or
tactical level
"The Mind Has No Firewall" by TIMOTHY L. THOMAS
Further reading:
KUBARK CIA Interrogation Manual
Higher-Dimensional Warfighting
Wonder Weapons
STAR GATE [Controlled Remote Viewing]
United States Patent 5,159,703 : Silent subliminal presentation system
