Jason Skeet (UK)
Sound Designer and Digital Audio Engineer

Skeet specializes in sound design and digital audio as part of 'Deepdisc', a design collective with a range of web programming, art and audio skills. He graduated with a Fine Art degree in 1990, and has since taught visual art and sound skills in various situations. His web-based audio experiences include setting up a Real Audio server for the Resonance 107.3 FM project, and a range of Quicktime 3 authoring skills, such as work on the Audio Channel site. Some recent projects are the experimental dance label Ambush (started in 1996 with DJ Scud), the Information Terror project in Vienna (1998), as part of the Society of Unknowns, and the design and promotion of the earshot explorer, navigator and composer of sound on the web (with Andi Freeman). Recent web design work includes the London Musicans' Collective site.
http://www.deepdisc.com Ambush
http://www.forcedexposure.com/labels/ambush.uk.html Earshot
