Heath Bunting (UK)
Artist, Irational.Org

Heath Bunting`s work is based on the goal of building open/democratic communication systems and social contexts. He came from the street up, passing through and often revisiting graphity,
performance, intervention, pirate radio, fax/mail art and BBS systems to become an active participant in the emergence of the Internet.
He has produced many Internet projects, some highly recognized and has helped form a strong context for the practice of net.art. Recently, he has moved into the field of genetics proclaiming it to be the next "new media", and is also making steps towards producing work within financial networks, believing money to be the ultimate media for artistic practice.
Among other things he has taught at the Goldsmiths College (London, UK), Hochschule fuer Gestaltung (Karlsruhe, Germany), Alberta College of Art and Design (Calgary, Canada), Cooper Union (New York, US) and Calarts (Valencia, US).
Visitors guide to london, Metaforum I, Media Research Foundation, Budapest, Hungary (1994) Psycho geographical london, Nettime meeting, Venice Bienale, Venice, Italy (1995) Against academic curating, Viper 96, Viper, Luzern, Switzerland (1996) Kings x phone in, Keep2, Arthouse, London, UK (1996) Disney and child porn, Apocalypso, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Canada (1997)
Hacking the social, Younet launch, Younet, Lausanne, Switzerland (1997) Loyal audience, Net, Art and Audience, Kunsterlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (1998)
Net.radio - loud and bad, comm-x-change, The Thing, Basel, Switzerland (1998) Surveillance systems, Scattered Affinities, Apex art, NYC, US (1998)
Net art in europe, infozone, Musée d'art moderne de la ville de Paris, Paris, France (1999)
Radio90.fm, Radioactiv, Labib Art Express, Labin, Croatia (1999) Superweed, , Project LXX, Arhus, Denmark (1999) Self maintaining authorship, School of the Arts and Architecture, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, US (2000) Art (GM), Art and Genetix residency, The Watershed, Bristol, UK(2000) Erasing microsoft, aboriginal streams, aboriginal arts, Banff, Canada (2001)
