Shaina Anand (IN)
Producer, Director
Graduated from:
Masters in Fine Arts program. Film & media Arts Temple University, Philadelphia, USA (one year special student coursework under the Inlaks scholarship. 2000.) Film Appreciation Course. Film & Television Institute of India, Pune, 1996. M. A (Part I) History, University of Bombay, 1996. B.A. History, R.D. National College of Bombay, 1995. Film & Video Production. Xavier Institute of Communication, Bombay, 1995. H.S.C.E (Arts) St. Xaviers College, Bombay, 1992.
Inlaks scholarship 1999-2000.
Majlis Fellowship. 1999. One-year fellowship to do a series of writing on ‘India and documentary ethics’ based on a 5-month road journey through India as part of a documentary unit.
Producer and Director. ChitraKarKhana, Mumbai. A fully independent production unit for public intervention through media and art. http://users.design.ucla.edu/~suku/chitra/
Learning ODISSI under tutelage of Smt. Jhelum Paranjape at Smitalay, Mumbai for the past 4 years.
Filmography/Work (Selection)
Anahat Nad/the freedom to sing. A performance about the oral tradition of Kabir and song and the will and joy of copying and broadcasting. Concept and visualization. Collaboration with Ashok Sukumaran, Tara Kini, Shabnam Virmani, Vickram Crishna and others from Shristi School of Art Design and Technology, Bangalore. Ars electronica LINZ (Spetember 2005)
Bombay Badarpur Border Siteseeing and other pleasure. Thematic gallery show, suite of 7 installations exploring media and the city. Collaboration with Ashok Sukumaran and Mukul Patel. Apeejay Media Gallery, New Delhi. (March 2005)
Rustle TV. Community Media Project. A broadcast experiment in a microcosmic setting of Russel Market, Bangalore. Over the course of two weeks, local content was produced and broadcast on site. This process based media intervention was produced as a workshop for students of the Shristi School of Art Design and Technology, Bangalore. (December 2004.)
Himalayan Monogotari. 32 mins Video. Camera,editing direction A faux-documentary on the mythical landscape of Kashmir and Ladhak. With Japanese VoiceOver (November 2005)
