Sjoera Nas (NL)
EDRI-gram / Bits of Freedom

Nas recently joined Bits of Freedom, a not-for-profit privacy and civil rights organisation in the Netherlands. She is the editor of EDRI-gram, a new bi-weekly European newsletter about civil rights in the information society. From 1998 to 2002 she was the press spokesperson and public affairs officer of internet provider XS4ALL. As such, she was responsible for the strong public opinions of XS4ALL regarding privacy, security, freedom of speech and fair access. She initiated a courtcase against a spammer, decided to defend freedom of speech in a courtcase instigated by Deutsche Bahn about the magazine 'Radikal' and played a very active role in the association of internetproviders to promote privacy-protection. Responsible for the sponsor-policy, she was one of the organisers of HelpB92 in 1999.
