The name Belgradeyard Sound System refers to the 2-hour weekly radio show broadcasted at Radio B 92 (Wednesdays, 00.00 - 02.00), the authors being Goran Simonoski and Relja Bobic. After three years of active presence in the local music and cultural scene, the first idea of presenting a non-commercial, contemporary production of all music genres is clearly seen in all events bearing this mark. Original musical productions under the same name are being released by the British label Cosmic.Sounds, as well as the German Klangkrieg and the Slovenian rx:tx. Until the end of 2003, a full-length debut by this project will also see the light of day. The most important project is the festival of electronic music Dis-patch held in Belgrade, which will countinue to present the current names of the global electronic scene to the Yugolslav audience each October.