World-Infostructure Exhibition

World-Infostructure visualizes subject matter linked to various aspects of the information society based on research by World-Information.Org on global communication networks, the global media market, global content channels, global brain ware, global data bodies, global info rights and digital security.
World-Information City Exhibition

The exhibition is a dispersed show across different sites from Russell Market in Shivajinagar through Tasker Town to Cunningham Road. It is designed in such a way as to facilitate site-specific works, but also to allow for interaction with different publics.
World-Information Exhibition

The World-Information Exhibition outlines the emergence and influence of worldwide communication and information networks on various aspects of society and everyday life. Through exhibits and visual diagrams, interactive installations and digital artworks it describes the multifaceted interrelations between technology and society, politics, culture, art and economy.
World-Information Exhibition

De tentoonstelling bestaat uit drie delen: ‘World-Infostructure’, ‘World-C4U‘ en ‘Future Heritage’. Zij schetsen de evolutie van de communicatie-technologieën en de gevolgen daarvan met betrekking tot de maatschappij, tonen historische en zeer geavanceerde controle- en bewakingstechnologie en laten digitale kunst en installaties zien.
World-Information Exhibition

The World-Information Exhibition comprised three sections titled "World-Infostructure", "Future Heritage" and "World C4U", each featuring the results of the theoretical and practical examination of different aspects of new media and technology carried out by renowned international artists and researchers.
World-Information Exhibition

Through installations and artistic works, the World-Information Exhibition demonstrated today's world of information as well as its possibilities and effects on all aspects of life: the private environment, the workplace, politics, the economy, education, science and art.