Short Film Showcase. Call for Work!
Deadline: 16th September, 2005. -
THOUGHT THIEVE$ is a short film showcase about corporate appropriation
of knowledge, culture, and creativity. It is a grassroots response to
the Micro$oft propaganda competition of the same name [ Link].
Our version of THOUGHT THIEVE$ is about big companies stealing and
profiting from the knowledge commons. Think about it: how would you feel
if you saw your cultural traditions, collective creativity,
thousands-year-old seed strains, indigenous medicinal knowledge, or even
your very genetic code being passed off as the property of some
multinational corporation? What would you do?
We want to know!
Send us your short film on corporate piracy by Friday, 16th September,
2005 for your chance to be included in an international distribution and
screening series. To be confirmed: the makers of the most creative
films, as decided by popular vote, may be invited to attend a special
premier screening of their film in Tunis, Geneva, or London.
Also, we could all win a limitless supply of cutting-edge Free Software;
tons of Public Domain, Fair Use, Creative Commons, and Copyleft content
to use as source material; non-Genetically Modified food; affordable
generic medicines ... and lots of other cool stuff TBA.
DEADLINE: Submissions are due by 16th September, 2005.
THOUGHT THIEVE$ affiliates:
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Downhill Battle
Creative Commons South Africa
IP Justice
LOCA records
Media Innovation Unit - Firenze Tecnologia
Alternative Law Forum
Chamsaesang (The People's Media)
KIFV (The Association of Korean Indepedent Film & Video)
Communication Rights in the Information Society
