The E-Lab network is a pioneering electronic culture initiative based in Riga / Latvia. E-Lab is both a
new media center and workplace as well as an art and music producer in the digital domain. Founded
in 1996, E-Lab developed into the leading new media institution of Latvia. Besides organizing the very
first Latvian conference on the upcoming Information Society, E-Lab's activists started to provide
weekly evening seminars on various aspects of digital culture and the intertwinedness of culture and
new technologies in 1997.
E-Lab is not only a mediator of digital culture, but also provides Latvian artists and cultural activists
with access to the Internet and runs an independent web server devoted to net art and digital culture
projects. Another field of E-Lab's activity is providing young Latvian musicians wishing to work with
digital media with facilities, know how and technical infrastructure. As early adopters of web
broadcasting, E-Lab quickly gained expertise in producing broadcasting via the Internet.