Participants: Derek Holzer (NL),
Zina Kaye (AU),
Mr. Snow (AU),
Raitis Smits (LV),
Martin Ratniks (LV),
Rasa Smite (LV)

The project [RT-32] - ACOUSTIC.SPACE.LAB @ IRBENE RADIOTELESCOPE is a multi-media research of VIRAC radio telescope - 32 meter dish antenna in Irbene, Latvia: from history of this top-secret Soviet era military object, including precise technical data, about it's conversion to scientific and civilian use, and to the international Acoustic.Space.Lab symposium on sound art, radio and satellite technology, which took place in August 2001, with participation of more then 30 artists, radio amateurs and community radio activists from all over the world.
The research materials will be compiled and published in the DVD RT-32", produced by RIXC (Riga, 2002): visual conception by Martins Ratniks, video and photo selection by Raitis Smits, texts by Rasa Smite, audio compilation by Derek Holzer (Amsterdam).
The connection between the Oude Kerk and giant antenna on the coast of Baltic Sea in Irbene will be achieved using data 'audiolisation' and visualisation tools. By mixing of pre-recorded materials gathered at the dish and its re-interpretations with live signals via the net, Acoustic.Space.Research.Lab participants will create live audio streaming performance.
Signals coming from the radio telescope will be visualised using Firmament Applet that is built Mr.Snow (L'audible/Sydney) to interface with these data. The Applet reads in data coming in to the dish, which is interpreted by a computer at the site.
