****************************************** WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ VIENNA ******************************************
Press Conference November 22, 2000; 10:30 a.m.
Opening November 23, 2000; 7 p.m.
Exhibition WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION November 24 - December 24, 2000
Discussion WORLD-INFORMATION FORUM Friday, November 24, 2000, 2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Party PureData Ensemble Friday, November 24, 2000, 8 p.m (open end)
Place Technical Museum Vienna Mariahilferstrasse 212 A-1140 Vienna
Opening Hours Monday-Saturday 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday and holidays 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Admission Fee
Students: ATS 60 Adults: ATS 120 Groups: ATS 90
******************************************** WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION ********************************************
"What exactly is the internet? Who controls it and how does it work? In what ways do new technologies transform our society? What is the impact of these technologies on daily life, work, art, politics and economics? What will the cultural heritage of the future be?
From November 24 to December 24, 2000, the WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION will take place in Vienna's Technical Museum. The theme of this exhibition, which is divided into three parts, is the development of new information and communication technologies. The project is under the patronage of UNESCO and has been initiated by the Institute for New Culture Technologies / Public Netbase, Vienna.
Through installations and artistic works, the WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION demonstrates today's world of information and its possibilities and effects on all aspects of life: the private environment, the workplace, politics, the economy, education, science and art.
The first part of the exhibition - World Infostructure - takes us into the cultural and technological foundations of our global Internet society. The journey into the world of information begins with the alphabet and travels via Internet to the most recently developed high-end technologies. Through a highly informative presentation, visitors experience how information resources extend throughout the world, and to where and in which forms the data streams flow.
Future Heritage - the second part of the exhibition - helps to analyze the cultural heritage of tomorrow. This section concentrates on extremely diverse expressions and forms - created by artists such as RTMark (USA), Ingo Gunther (Germany/USA), Oliver Ressler (Austria), Critical Art Ensemble (USA) and Marko Peljhan (Slovenia) that demonstrate interaction between information technologies and electronic networks.
The exhibition's third part - World C4U - is defined by state-of-the-art security and control technologies. Command, Control, Computer and Communication (C4) are the keywords for the visitors' encounter with technologies like electronic voice recognition, digital finger printing and the iris scan. During their tour of the exhibition, visitors' data tracks are recorded via an integrated closed circuit TV system; this ultimately leads to everyone getting to "meet" their virtual double.
************************************************** ARTISTS' PRESENTATIONS (A SELECTION) **************************************************
Marko Peljhan (Slovenia): Electronic Media Monitoring
Marko Peljhan is one of the most important international artists to intensely explore new ways of expression through the Internet. In his installations, Peljhan provokes analysis of the broad spectrum of electronic data streams and satellite communication. In the WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION, Peljhan presents "Electronic Media Monitoring", a multifunctional electronic "environment" that covers a broad electro-magnetic spectrum aiming to catch and show a variety of information. "Electronic Media Monitoring" is part of the projects "Project Atol" and "Makrolab". Within the context of documentaX, Peljhan lived for 40 days in a "Makrolab" - a home-made self-contained laboratory; from this, he maintained contact with the outside world with a telephone via international telecommunication satellites. Peljhan's artistry conveys the abuse of power and structures in our society; it helps to heighten public awareness of the various data streams - such as internal information flows at television and radio broadcasting companies, information about flight routes, and even how private conversations can be bugged.
Ingo Gunther (Germany): Worldprocessor
Ingo Gunther defines the role of an artist as an "informant". Gunther's work combines artistic, journalistic and scientific methods. In his research activities, Gunther - who has been living in New York since the mid-1980s - works with state-of-the-art media and communication technologies. In his project "Worldprocessor", Gunther uses globes as presentation mediums for social, political, economic and military information. In this way, he relates a variety of political and economic facts, brings them into visual form and reveals the powerful situations behind them. For example, Gunther displays on a globe the relation between the turnover of big multinational corporations and the gross national product of developing countries. Gunther studied ethnology, cultural anthropology and art and, since the 1970s, has traveled to North Africa, North and Central America, and Asia. He became internationally known through his participation in several exhibitions at the documenta 8 (1987).
Critical Art Ensemble - CAE (USA): Cult of the New Eve
As a reaction to the most recent developments in natural science, the artistic group Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) created together with Faith Wilding and Paul Vanouse the "CoNE" - the Cult of the New Eve. This is an ironic response to the Human Genome Project, the decoding of human genomes, and is based on the DNA of a single woman the New Eve. Scientists who work on new biological developments give their work theological titles like "New Universalism" or "The Discovery of Immortality". Through a special website, electronic information systems and their performances, the members of CoNE perform for their audience a kind of "molecular cannibalism". CAE's aim is to take a look at the relationships between art, critical theory, technology and political activism.
Max Moswitzer, Glow and Margarete Jahrmann (Austria): Synreal Virtual Combat
"Synreal Virtual Combat", which is based on one of the most successful computer games ever, "Unreal", was developed and reshaped by a group of artists. Within the frame of "Synreal", the Institute for New Culture Technologies / Public Netbase invited artists to study the subject of computer games and military training programs, which can often be seen via simulations. Some of the results of this invitation can be seen at the WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION. Here are shown artistic works based on classic "First Person Shooter" games as well as military action simulations. A special feature of the game is the use of artificial intelligence and network function - meaning that visitors to the exhibition can play with participants over the Internet. "Synreal Virtual Combat" has a high quality 3-D engine software; this makes the artists' three dimensional rooms seem practically "real". Also, an audiovisual 3D environment is generated through electronic sounds produced by the artists.
Monochrom (Austria): Office, now that's surveillance!
The Austrian group of artists, Monochrom, will be represented by the project "Office, now that's surveillance!" Monochrom constructed especially for the WORLD-INFORMATION EXHIBITION an office situation with small hidden surveillance cameras. Under the title "Find out where big brother is watching!", visitors are invited to discover where the surveillance cameras are located. The surveillance-in-an office situation will become clear through the game format.
World Radio Remote Audio System (RAS)
The "World Radio Remote Audio System" (RAS) is one of the first of its kind for a new generation of online music jamming; it enables up to 12 users to manipulate at the same time an Mp3-Stream. The system was developed by PureData@klingt.org in cooperation with World-Information.Org. The first public presentation will take place at the PureData Ensemble Party on November 24, 2000, at 8 p.m. "World Radio Remote Audio Systems" provides a unique opportunity to protest against electro-acoustic border areas and to experience directly the digital future heritage.
************************************* WORLD-INFORMATION FORUM *************************************
In addition to the exhibition, the WORLD INFORMATION FORUM will be held at Vienna's Technical Museum on November 24, 2000, from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m. At the WORLD-INFORMATION FORUM, the overall effects of the new information and communication technologies on society will be discussed. Views on the continuing development of these technologies will be given, and the political and economic aspects and influences will be analyzed by experts from science and politics Speakers include Ben Bagdikian from the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California (USA), and Kunda Dixit, director of Panos South Asia and publisher of the Nepal Times (Nepal), and Steve Wright, director of the OMEGA foundation (UK). Further contributions will be provided by representatives of online media and by media activists, including Hito Steyerl, publicist and filmmaker (Germany), Alice Dvorska Initiative Against Economic Globalisation (INPEG), (Czech Republic), Marion Hamm, IndyMedia (UK), and Honor Harger from Tate Modern London, r a d i o q u a l i a (UK/AUS), who will share their experience as independent cultural organizations.
Another highlight is the PureData Ensemble Party at 8 p.m., with World Radio Remote Audio System, one of the first interfaces for online jamming.
*************************** DIALOGUE TOURS ***************************
A range of cultural visionaries will be giving their views on the information society as they accompany visitors through the exhibition. Participants will include Gerald Matt, director of the Kunsthalle Wien; the media artist Heath Bunting; the artist group Apsolutno; media theorists Ivan Zassoursky and Marc Ries; Georg Schollhammer, publisher of the "Springerin" art journal; the art theorist Katharina Gsollpointer, and the artist James Wallbank. The tours take place on Thursdays at 6 p.m., Saturdays at 3 p.m. and Sundays at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
********************************* WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG *********************************
WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG is a project of the Institute for New Technologies /Public Netbase. The main focus of WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG is the strengthening and promotion of electronic networks in the public sphere, the preservation of cultural diversity in the info sphere - digital ecology - and the acknowledgement and guarantee of digital human rights. WORLD- INFORMATION.ORG promotes through a broad and publicly accessible knowledge base as well as through public events - serious discussion about the social, political and artistic consequences of the new information and communication technologies.
WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG made its public debut in July 2000, as the leading project of the New Media program in the European Capital of Culture, Brussels 2000.
Under the patronage of the UNESCO. In cooperation with the Technical Museum Vienna. Co-producer Bruessels 2000 - European City of Culture for the year 2000.