On June 20/ 21 2005, World-Information.Org will address questions of transformations of urban information landscapes in a two-day international conference at Architekturzentrum Wien, Vienna. Current practices, strategies, and interventions of informational agents will be discussed under the heading "Networks of Imagination. Global Information Landscapes and Urban Transformations in Asia". The event includes lectures, presentations, and video screenings.
According to World-Information.Org Director Konrad Becker, "Networks of Imagination is an important step within the EU-India-programme 'Towards a Culture of Open Networks', which forms the framework of a conference and exhibition to be held in Bangalore, India, in November 2005." Addressing a large local public, the event brings together European and Asian representatives from the fields of culture and information economy, in addition to the project’s international partner organisations. Netbase forms a network with Waag Society (Amsterdam, NL) und Sarai/CSDS (Delhi,IN).
"We are pleased about this opportunity to discuss important issues such
as Open Source Civil Rights, the public sphere, and free software here
in Vienna, adopting a non-European perspective." The culture project World-Information.Org was first presented under the patronage of UNESCO as part of the European Culture Capital 2000 at Brussels, and has subsequently been shown at Amsterdam, Beograd, Novi Sad, London, Berlin, Munich, and Helsinki. "The objective of this event at Architekturzentrum Wien is to exchange global strategies for the protection of basic digital rights and democratic network societies, with a particular focus on issues of urban development", Becker concluded.
"Networks of Imagination" event programme
Press photos
Live stream
Enquiries Institute for New Culture Technologies/t0 Burggasse 21 A-1070 Vienna AUSTRIA Tel.: ++43/1/522 18 34 Fax: ++43/1/522 50 58
World-Information.Org was initiated by the Institute for New Culture
Technologies/t0 and is a collaboration of a wide range of international
experts, theoreticians and practitioners. Since the launch of the
project under the patronage of UNESCO as a theme of the European
Cultural Capital 2000 in Brussels, World-Information.Org staged its
extensive exhibition and conference program in Vienna, Amsterdam,
Belgrade, and Novi Sad and presented at various European cities like
London, Berlin, Munich and Helsinki. World-Information.Org's services
are designed to foster and protect the public sphere and discourse and
focus on the issues of future heritage, digital ecology, and digital
human rights.
"World-Information City" is offered as part of the
EU-India-ECCP-Programme "Towards a Culture of Open Networks – a
collaborative initiative on bridging information society in Europe and
India through culture and communication".
Partner organizations include:
Sarai CSDS, Delhi
Waag Society, Amsterdam
The Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
Mahiti, Bangalore
The Srishti School of Arts, Bangalore
+ local partners
"World-Information City" is realized with the financial support of the
European Union (EU-India-ECCP-Programme), the City of Vienna -
Department for Cultural Affairs, the Austrian Commission for UNESCO, the
Open Society Institute (OSI), and Max Mueller Bhavan (Goethe Institute)