******************************************************************* WORLD-INFORMATION.ORG @ go public! transmediale.02 February 5 to February 17, 2002 Berlin *******************************************************************
Once again the well-known transmediale.02 festival will take place in Berlin (Germany). From February 5 through February 17, 2002, it will present new and internationally renowned projects of digital culture and offer a discussion forum for artists, media workers and a specialist audience.
World-Information.Org, having been invited to take part in the festival, will be present with an information display and participate in the conference. On Thursday, 7 February (4 p.m.), Konrad Becker will take part in the conference’s panel discussion “Public Spaces Invaders”. He will speak about the issue of “Public Mind Invaders” and also address several of World-Information.Org’s research topics.
At the World-Information.Org stand, the festival’s visitors will be able to take a glimpse at World-Information.Org’s offline and online activities. Several information displays will illustrate the extensive content of World-Information.Org’s online knowledge database.
Moreover, World-Information.Org documentation videos of main previous presentations such as exhibitions and conferences in Brussels and Vienna (2000) will allow visitors to get an impression of World-Information.Org’s work. Further information on World-Information.Org will be provided in the form of brochures and CD-ROMs and through online access to World-Information.Org’s website.
Although transmediale.02 festival is World-Information.Org’s first major appearance this year, it has also been very active in 2001. In October it was invited to participate in the “make world” festival in Munich (Germany). Its presentation there was very well received and its concerns developed vital issues in the event’s debate. Digital ecology, a concept promoted by World-Information.Org, became the central catchword of the conference. Furthermore, World-Information.Org has been present at the renowned Finnish Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma in Helsinki, where it took part in the large international exhibition of contemporary art ARS 01.
Currently World-Information.Org is preparing for another major event in Amsterdam in winter 2002. Upcoming is also the publication of the results of World-Information.Org’s research program in cooperation with the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.