Global Data Bodies
Data are the most important resource for the New Economy and have become a commodity more valuable than money. Data-mining companies are keeping detailed files on millions of people, which are shared, sold or rented and guarantee the information economy a formidable added value. World-Information.Org investigates the methods and practices of the <ahref="?quicksearch=1&qkeyword=71">data industry and displays the effects of this development to the right to privacy especially the risk of abuse of personal information and the dynamics of social control.
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Global Brain-Ware
Where does opinion come from? World-Information.Org traces the power structures that influence the process of opinion making and its outcome. Transnational corporations and tycoons generously fund think tanks that produce vast quantities of scientific studies and policy recommendations. Often labeled as independent institutes these organizations aim to shape public opinion and government policy over a wide range of issues so as to advance the political ideologies of their donors. World-Information.Org examines the influence of private interest and corporate lobbying in the overall research and content production and furthermore charts the role of intelligence agencies.
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