1500 - 1700 A.D.

Agostino Ramelli's reading wheel

Agostino Ramelli designed a "reading wheel", which allowed browsing through a large number of documents without moving from one spot to another.

The device presented a large number of books - a small library - laid open on lecterns on a kind of ferry-wheel. It allowed skipping chapters and browsing through pages by turning the wheel to bring lectern after lectern before the eyes. Ramelli's reading wheel thus linked ideas and texts and reminds of today's browsing software used to navigate the World Wide Web.

The first newspaper is printed in Europe.

TEXTBLOCK 1/1 // URL: http://world-information.org/wio/infostructure/100437611796/100438659704

A server is program, not a computer, as it sometimes said, dedicated to store files, manage printers and network traffic, or process database queries.

Web sites, the nodes of the World Wide Web (WWW), e.g., are stored on servers.