The Cassini Case

In 1997 NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn and its moons led to heated controversies, because it was fueled by plutonium, a substance that could cause serious environmental and health problems if it were released into the atmosphere.

Still no major U.S. news outlet in broadcasting or print reported in depth on the risks of the Cassini mission. Westinghouse-owned media like CBS and NBC (also partly owned by General Electric) for example had only reported that children were invited to sign a plaque inside Cassini. Not surprisingly Westinghouse and General Electric are two of the largest corporations with defense contracts and nuclear interests.

Leni Riefenstahl

Leni Riefenstahl (* 1902) began her career as a dancer and actress. Parallel she learnt how to work with a camera, turning out to be one of the most talented directors and cutters of her time - and one of the only female ones. Adolf Hitler appointed her the top film executive of the Nazi Party. Her two most famous works were done in that period, Triumph of the Will (1935) and the two films about the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936. Later, when she tried to get rid of her image as a NAZI-movie maker, she worked as a photographer in Africa, making pictures of indigenous people and under-water landscape.