Major U.S. Think Tanks: American Enterprise Institute Formed in 1943 as a traditional think tank, after being criticized of being too centrist, the American Enterprise Institute moved right and took a more aggressive public-policy role in domestic and foreign policy affairs. The American Enterprise Institute is dedicated to "preserving and strengthening the foundations of freedom" - limited government, private enterprise, vital cultural and political institutions, and a strong foreign policy and national defense. Official Organizational Status: Independent institute Political Orientation: U.S. Conservative Scope/Research Areas: The American Enterprise Institutes research is conducted in three broad areas, namely economic policy studies, social and political studies and foreign and defense policy studies. Issues of priority are: Tax reform, Social Security and entitlements reform, environmental regulation, economic deregulation, culture and society, religion, intellectual foundations, reform of the U.S. defense structure and redefinition of American foreign policy. Some recent titles include: Income Inequality and IQ. (1998). Ethics of Human Cloning (1998). Calomiris, C. and J. Karceski: Is the Bank Merger Wave of the 1990s Efficient? Lessons from Nine Case Studies. (1998). Funding Sources: 1998 Budget: US$ 14.3 million. Assets: US$ 24.5 million. Corporate donations (29 %), private donations (27 %), foundations (26 %), conferences, sales, and other revenues (18 %). |